sobre Jacob
Jacob Cordover pasó su infancia en Australia donde tuvo sus primeras clases de guitarra. Con una carrera internacional a lo largo de más de veinte años ha tocado en más de doce países de cuatro continentes.
Para Cordover es tan habitual tocar como solista, como en pequeños conjuntos de cámara o frente a una orquesta. Ha actuado en salas de conciertos como el Palau de la Música y L’Auditorí de Barcelona, el Centennial Hall de Pekín y el Teatro Principal del Centro Cultural de Filipinas. Cordover toca una amplia gama de estilos musicales e incluye en sus repertorios piezas desde la música barroca hasta la contemporánea. Su público está igual de acostumbrado a verle tocar un estreno mundial como verle interpretar una joya olvidada del siglo XIX con instrumentos de época. |
about Jacob
Jacob Cordover is a classical guitarist whose extensive career as a performer has spanned over 2 decades, 4 continents, a dozen countries, hundreds of collaborations, and thousands of concerts.
Highlights include; the premiere of a concerto for solo guitar and orchestra, written for him by Australian composer Marián Budoš and inspired by the novel Confessions by celebrated Catalan novelist Jaume Cabré, at Barcelona's iconic Palau de la Música; concerto performances in the USA, Italy, Spain and the Philippines; performances of Platero and I, with text by Juan Ramón Jiménez and music by Mauro Castelnuovo-Tedesco, in collaborations with puppeteer Tim Gosley and narrators, including his brother Gideon; international tours with Zoco Duo and the Australian Guitar Duo; performances of 19th century repertoire on period instruments; as well as the many collaborations with composers and arrangers to premiere new pieces and new arrangements for solo guitar, as well as in a number of differing chamber music settings |
sobre en Jacob
El guitarrista clàssic espanyol Jacob Cordover «ho té tot: tècnica, talent i un repertori innovador» es pot llegir a l’American Record Guide, la revista de crítica de música clàssica més antiga dels Estats Units. Cordover acumula una llarga carrera internacional com a concertista i artista de gravació.
És habitual veure’l tocar com a solista, però també en petits conjunts de cambra o davant d’una orquestra. Ha actuat en sales dels quatre continents: des del Palau de la Música i l’Auditori de Barcelona, fins al Centennial Hall Pequín i el Teatre Principal del Centre Cultural de les Filipines; o en sales més íntimes com el Rix Centre de Bamfield, al Canadà; Raynham House’s Ballroom a Norfolk, Anglaterra; i a Montsalvat, a Melbourne, Austràlia. Cordover toca una àmplia gamma d’estils musicals i inclou en el seus repertoris peces que van des de la música barroca fins a la contemporània. Se’l pot veure tocar una estrena mundial com veure’l interpretar una joia oblidada del segle XIX amb instruments d’època. |
Press Quotes
"Cordover is masterful in bringing out all the flavours here ... and the integrity with which he approaches each diverse piece is a feature. So there is something very personal in his playing. One understands his commitment to each writer’s musical intent."
- Mandy Stefanakis, Music Trust
"Throughout it is obvious that Cordover has considered every nuance and phrase in the chosen programme. It would be difficult to imagine finer musical performances … There is nothing superficial about the playing."
- Classical Guitar Magazine
"His technique is flawless, his expression tasteful and always interesting and moving."
- American Record Guide
"consummate artistry, dazing technique ... aficionados rejoiced in the return of Cordover”
- Adelaide Advertiser, Australia
“[This performance] demonstrated how much poetry and feeling can be obtained from the guitar in the hands of master musicians such as Jacob Cordover ... superbly played”
- The Mercury, Australia
“A seductive performance presented by Australian guitarist Jacob Cordover, whose delicate tone and sensitive interpretations invited my ears to experience the technical strength and accuracy of his playing;”
- John Davis, Australian Music Centre
“Cordover’s playing is extremely fluid; there’s no question about his technical abilities.”
- Raymond Tuttle, Classical Net
“Jacob Cordover…impresses with his intuitive musicianship and impeccable technique.”
- Leicester Mercury
- Mandy Stefanakis, Music Trust
"Throughout it is obvious that Cordover has considered every nuance and phrase in the chosen programme. It would be difficult to imagine finer musical performances … There is nothing superficial about the playing."
- Classical Guitar Magazine
"His technique is flawless, his expression tasteful and always interesting and moving."
- American Record Guide
"consummate artistry, dazing technique ... aficionados rejoiced in the return of Cordover”
- Adelaide Advertiser, Australia
“[This performance] demonstrated how much poetry and feeling can be obtained from the guitar in the hands of master musicians such as Jacob Cordover ... superbly played”
- The Mercury, Australia
“A seductive performance presented by Australian guitarist Jacob Cordover, whose delicate tone and sensitive interpretations invited my ears to experience the technical strength and accuracy of his playing;”
- John Davis, Australian Music Centre
“Cordover’s playing is extremely fluid; there’s no question about his technical abilities.”
- Raymond Tuttle, Classical Net
“Jacob Cordover…impresses with his intuitive musicianship and impeccable technique.”
- Leicester Mercury
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Artista Knobloch
Cordover es un artista representado por Knobloch Strings
y sólo utiliza cuerdas Knobloch Sterling Silver QZ Nylon 34.5
Erithacus QZ Nylon 34.5 Actives QZ Nylon 500ADQ 34.5 |
Jacob da conciertos con las siguientes guitarras
Greg Smallman and Sons (2006)
Elias Bonnet Monné (2015) José Ramirez P.C. (1965) Famiglia Vinaccia (1915) |