Platero and I, with Gideon Cordover15/8/2015 About the show ... Internationally renowned classical guitarist Jacob Cordover joins forces with his brother Gideon Cordover, an award winning actor and NIDA graduate, to bring to life Castelnuovo-Tedesco’s musicalisation of Platero and I. Set for narrator and classical guitar, these beautiful reflections of the simple joys of life are just as enjoyable as ever. A century ago the Spanish poet and Nobel Prize Laureate Juan Ramón Jiménez wrote his beloved lyric prose Platero and I. These charming stories tell of the adventures of a young man and his donkey, Platero, in their Andalusian Village. 46 years later, Italian composer Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco, borrowing from his experience as a film composer, set each 'verse' to music. Each movement is a snapshot: the friendship between the man and his donkey, the change of seasons, children in the village, an encounter with gypsies and so on. In this setting, the beautifully crafted music colours the narration and brings the whole experience to life, captivating the minds and attention of children and children-at-heart alike.
2015 Australian Tour Dates 15.08 - Hobart, Tasmania
Theatre Royal Backspace, 7:00 pm Theatre Royal 29 Campbell Street, Hobart Tickets: $10, $20, $30. Group tickets available All bookings at the Theatre Royal Box Office" online at: telephone: 6233 2299 Bush Concert Series, NSW 21.08 - Deniliquin, NSW Multi Arts Centre, 7:00 pm Bush Concert Series Tickets $25 pre-purchased / $30 door / $5 under 18 South West Music Students Free Bookings: Paula 0400 767 997 or [email protected] 22.08 - Barham, NSW School of the Arts Hall, 7:00 pm Bush Concert Series Tickets: $15 adults / $5 under 18 South West Music Students Free Bookings: Paula 0400 767 997 or [email protected] 23.08 - Finley, NSW Arts Centre, 2:00 pm Bush Concert Series Tickets: $15 adults / $5 under 18 South West Music Students Free Bookings: Paula 0400 767 997 or [email protected] 26.08 - Adelaide, South Australia Urrbrae House Ballroom, 6:30pm Fullarton Road Urrbrae, SA 5062 Tickets: $25, includes refreshments Please note: limited disability access Bookings: (08) 83571679 or Email 28.08 - Canberra, Australian Capital Territory Wesley Music Centre, 7:30pm 20-22 National Circuit Forrest, ACT 2603 Tickets: $30, $25 concession & $15 students, available at the door 30.08 - Wagga Wagga, New South Wales Lunchtime Concert Series Banister Room, 3:00 pm Riverina Conservatorium of Music Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650 Tickets: $25, $15 concession, $5 for RCM students 04.09 - Melbourne, VIC Robin Boyd Foundation, 7:30pm 290 Walsh Street, South Yarra Melbourne, VIC 3141 Tickets: $30, $25 RBF members, $15 students (includes refreshments) Bookings essential: Website Enquiries: Email or phone: (03) 9820 9838 05.09 - Melbourne, VIC House Concert, 4:00pm Suzuki Guitar Studio of Zeah Riordan Los comentarios están cerrados.
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